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1. 刮去干燥的涂料


2. 使用温水浸泡和搓洗


3. 抽取涂料痕迹


4. 使用松香和酒精


5. 使用漂白剂


6. 去干洗店处理





Translated to English:html

Sometimes when we are using paint for decoration or application, we accidentally get paint on our clothes. This is a very tricky problem as paint is often difficult to remove from clothing, especially when it dries. However, don't worry! Below, we will introduce some simple yet effective methods to help you remove paint stains from your clothes.

1. Scrape off the dried paint

Before dealing with the paint stains, it is important to scrape off the dried paint from the clothes. You can use a scraper or a similar tool to carefully scrape off the paint from the fabric. Be sure to handle it with care to avoid damaging the clothing.

2. Soak and rub with warm water

Warm water is one of the effective weapons for removing paint. Soak the garment in warm water and gently rub the paint stains with your hands. If the paint starts to loosen, continue rubbing with your hands until the paint is completely removed.

3. Extract the paint stains

If warm water and rubbing don't work, you can try using some soft fabric or sponge. Dampen them in warm water and gently wipe the paint stains on the clothing. Repeat this process until the paint is completely extracted.

4. Use turpentine and alcohol

Turpentine and alcohol are another option for removing paint. You can crush some turpentine and mix it with a small amount of alcohol to make a paste. Then apply the mixture on the paint stains and let it sit for a few minutes. Afterwards, wash the clothing with warm water to remove any residue.

5. Use bleach

For lighter-colored garments, you can try using bleach to remove the paint. Before using bleach, make sure to carefully read and follow the instructions on the product. Pour an appropriate amount of bleach into warm water and soak the garment in it. After waiting for a certain period of time, rinse the clothing with water to remove the bleach and paint stains.

6. Seek professional dry cleaning services

If you are unable to successfully remove the paint stains from your clothing or if you are concerned that your methods may cause damage, you can take your clothes to a professional dry cleaner. Dry cleaning establishments usually have specialized equipment and methods to more effectively remove stubborn paint stains.

Regardless of which method you choose to remove paint stains from your clothes, keep the following points in mind:

Read the washing instructions on the garment before treating the paint stains.Deal with the paint stains as soon as possible, ideally when the paint is slightly dry rather than completely dried.Choose the appropriate method based on the type of paint. Different types of paint may require different removal techniques.Handle the clothing with care and avoid excessive scrubbing or using harsh chemicals to prevent damage to the fabric.If you are unsure about the treatment method or worried about damaging the clothing, it's always advisable to seek advice from professionals.

We hope the methods mentioned above will help you remove paint stains from your clothes. If you have any other questions related to clothing cleaning or stain removal, feel free to leave a comment below, and I will do my best to assist you.