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1. 清水


2. 中性洗涤剂


3. 非离子洗涤剂


4. 专用去污剂


5. 注意事项

在进行洗涤时,要尽量避免使用刷子等硬质物品,以免划伤或损坏涂料。 洗涤时要轻柔地擦拭,尽量不要用力过猛,以免损坏涂料表面。 在洗涤过程中,可以适量添加一些消毒水或漂白水,能够更好地去除污渍。 如果遇到超级顽固的污渍,建议寻求专业人士的帮助,以免造成不可逆的损伤。




After completing the renovation, many people often encounter the problem of accidentally staining the paint on the walls. This leads to worries about how to remove these dirty paint stains. So, what can be used to wash away the paint used in decoration? Today, I will share with you some methods for cleaning decoration paint.

1. Water

If it is a mild stain, such as wall stains or oil stains, you can first try using water for gentle cleaning. Pour water into a basin, dip a piece of gauze in an appropriate amount of water, and gently wipe the stained area. Generally, such stains should be easily removed.

2. Neutral detergent

If water fails to remove stubborn stains on the paint, you can choose to use neutral detergent. Neutral detergent is relatively less corrosive to paint and generally does not damage the paint. Pour an appropriate amount of neutral detergent into a basin, then add water, dip a piece of gauze or sponge in the solution, and gently wipe the stain. Generally, the stains can be easily removed.

3. Non-ionic detergent

If the stains are extremely stubborn, such as paint or ink, you can choose to use non-ionic detergent. Non-ionic detergents can effectively remove various stains, but they are relatively more corrosive to paint, so caution is advised when using them. Pour a small amount of non-ionic detergent into a basin, then add an appropriate amount of water. Dip a sponge in the solution and gently wipe the stain. Rinse with water to remove any residue.

4. Special stain remover

If the above methods fail to remove stubborn stains on the paint, you can try using a special stain remover. There are many stain removal products specifically designed for paint available on the market, and these products provide excellent stain removal results. When using them, spray the special stain remover on the stain according to the product instructions, then gently scrub with a sponge or soft brush, and rinse with water to remove any residue.

5. Precautions

When cleaning, try to avoid using brushes or other hard objects to prevent scratching or damaging the paint. Gently wipe the stained area during cleaning, avoiding excessive force to prevent damage to the paint surface. During the cleaning process, you can add a small amount of disinfectant or bleach to better remove the stains. If you encounter extremely stubborn stains, it is recommended to seek help from professionals to avoid irreparable damage.

In summary, when cleaning decoration paint, it is necessary to select the appropriate cleaning method and cleaning solution based on the nature of the stains. Mild stains can be cleaned with water or neutral detergent, while stubborn stains require the use of more specialized cleaning agents. When cleaning, pay attention to the technique and try to avoid damaging the paint surface.

I hope that through this article, you have gained an understanding of the methods for cleaning decoration paint and can easily solve problems when faced with stains.